segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Five hundred words just to say I love you

I want to speak very softly in your ear
"I love you" and in the silence of your embrace
rest me, you're always in
my thoughts, all the time, you
incalculably desire, realize that
you gave me a new way to live.
Every day becomes stronger, it is true which
I feel you are in me in a way that
I can not help it. The breeze tonight
take my kiss to you my most pure and
true love, my lips touch the
your and my embrace feel your embrace,
my eyes see your laugh and make possible
what we dream.
I knew it was you when I saw you, not
I had doubts when you smiled, I saw that it was possible
when I hugged you, it was inevitable, but it was real,
you waited before I met you, I just wanted
a few of you every day.
Looking for the right words to say them in time
sure, but there are no words that can
express what is love you, look in the numbers
exact amount and there because I feel for
you can not be calculated or measured, however
only sense.
I feel chained to you and do not do anything unless
think of you, I really want to kiss her, had a moment
I stopped to look at your eyes did not know what to do,
all he wanted was to be at your side, feeling your hug,
your kiss.
Like a scene from a movie, love you and that is clear
just for you just look into my eyes ... Only
watch what I was before and what I am now, you
is the air I breathe and need this air.
You leave me in a state that I can not explain,
I want you, I need you, I need your smile, the
his embrace, his warmth, his presence, his voice,
his look, I need you. My love.
I love the feeling of love you still feel your
lips, you are guilty for everything that is
going on, I fell in love with you and now
you are present at all, I'm addicted to you and
I need you, my mind is programmed only
to think of you and my heart for you love.
You have inside me, you make me radically
happy, never thought it would be so, but all
I most want is to be by his side. Hey !!! I love you so.
I hug you, kiss you deeply and accept you as well
How are ... because I love you so much, miss my love,
there is no second if you want not think of you,
you are in my thoughts even when
I'm not thinking.
I would like to embrace you more and stay
this even embrace, if possible a lifetime and
never let go.
I remember all the times I've been to your
side, but the memories are no longer needed
and more and more like to have her by my side,
because their presence makes me more alive.
Love me ... I just need that my love ... I love you.
Isaac Guedes

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